Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Walnut Soft Candy

True, this walnut candy comes to us from Korea, the nation that brought us tomato candies and ginseng jellies, but fear not: this is a refined confection with a good mouth feel and a nutty aftertaste. Soft, but not too soft, it's like a piece of salt water taffy at room temperature. It features what appear to be genuine pieces of walnut but, since I do not read Korean, I am only speculating. You can speculate, too.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

North Korea or South Korea? We're at war -- pick a side!

Anonymous said...

As a follow-up to Kate's Scratch-n-Sniff post, this candy tastes like how the old "popcorn" Scratch-n-Sniff smelled. Do you have any candy that tastes like a purple Magic Marker? Mmmmm

Candybowl said...

While it is true that the reunification of the Korean nation will not be achieved until the peace-loving people of the north have put an end to the U.S. policy of colonial military occupation and the fascist dictatorial ruling system, the unity of the Korean people, whose history as a nation spans fifty centuries, cannot be denied.

This candy has, it is true, the sour aftertaste of inhuman exploitation by the puppet rulers and comprador capitalists of the south. However, its nutty aroma belongs to the entire, undivided Korean nation.