Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chikuho Fruits Candy

This bag of mixed fruit boiled sweets has four flavors -- apple, lemon, strawberry, and ume (plum). Candybowl tried the strawberry and the ume.

The strawberry flavor gives off initial flavor notes of strawberry. Not real strawberry, but not totally artificial and actually quite pleasant. The outer surface is not perfectly smooth, but is pleasant on the tongue. So far so good.
Ume tastes inscrutable and mysterious. Not like a plum. Not like salted plum. Not plum. What is it? Try and see.

The crunch is acceptable, with the candy fracturing into small pieces that quickly deteriorate into a grainy mess that leaves too much gum on the molar. The flavors remain the same, a bit more intense, but notthing much to blog about.

A conventional effort from Candybowl debutante Chikuho.

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