Monday, May 30, 2016

UHA Kororo 100% Grape Gummy

There was a bowl of candy.  It had a blog which lived and grew and entertained some people. There was candy to talk about and people to talk to.

Candybowl the blogger ended up in an office with a pile of snacks in one public snack zone. Nobody ate out of candy bowls.  A few posts from home, a tiny stream of visitors that meanders on to this day.  Candybowl has been out of the game.

So when Cadnybowl went to  Japan on vacation and picked up a bag of UHA Kororo grape jelly candy, it was without any consideration of the blog.  That changed.

The gummy is slippery and a little rough  on the tongue.  On sucking one gets hints of an intense and pleasant concord grape flavor, with the uneven mouthfeel of a peeled grape.  On biting the jelly in the middle oozes all over.  It's strong, with a realistic grape flavor. One knows one is eating candy but a very realistic candy.

Denizens of Candybowl (the blog) will recall that UHA produces the excellent Cucu line of hard candies.  This is more like the UHA gummy, which boasts 100% fruit juice (20% is 5x juice concentrate). There's a footnote on this package which appears to say (in Japanese) it's made with 6x concentrated fruit juice for a total of about 6.7 grams or about 16.5% by weight.   Candybowl respects a candy with a footnote.

They're very nice, and it's not a very large package.  So go ahead and get them if you see them.

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