Friday, June 11, 2010

Senjaku Premium Vanilla Candy

Candybowl (the blogger) has been impressed by the offerings of Senjaku, and was therefore excited to come across this confection.  It features images of ice cream on the outer package, and promises mellow milk flavor and flecks of real vanilla. 

The eager anticipation was, sadly, unjustified and unrequited.

The outer surface is rough on the tongue, but not unpleasant.  Sucking the candy reveals initial taste notes of artificial vanilla and condensed milk.  However, the milk flavor is neither as pronounced nor as realistic as the Senjaku High Concentration Milk candy, and the vanilla flavor is one-dimensional.

This is one tough pebble to chew, and leaves an unacceptable amount of residue on the tooth.  While avid readers know Candybowl is prepared to overlook a bit of gumminess, this candy simply fails the test.  It lacks other redeeming qualities that might justify giving it a break on texture.

Senjaku can do, and has done, far better.  Try their milk candy instead.

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