Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Life Saver Mints

Readers and denizens of the Candybowl would be forgiven for thinking that it tries to be a kind of elitist feed trough, and that nothing ordinary could possibly be good enough. So it may come as a surprise that Candybowl has always had a soft spot for the humble Life Saver mint.

Although it does not claim to be "curiously strong." this is no timid mint. It is just sweet enough, and it gives off a good flavor and mentholation without burning the tongue.

After a while, the flavor gets a little cloying, and the surface gets a bit furry-feeling on the tongue. So the candy simply begs to be chewed. And it's good. It fractures easily, and while it breaks down into a bit of a paste (trying to avoid using the word gritty....) it doesn't gum up at all on the tooth.

In short, nice from start to finish.

Don't bother looking in the Candybowl for these; this is a guest candy. Four doors down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The best thing about these is the raised lettering, which you didn't mention. They are usually available at body shops or garages because, and this is conjecture, they are made out of tires.